Recurring Events

Griffith Hike


SPS host semesterly hikes to the Griffith Observatory. Be sure to join us on the next trip to enjoy some good views and a good time with fellow physics students!
Lab Tours


SPS collaborate with Professors in the department to offer lab tour to expose undergraduate students to USC’s Physics research labs and topics.

Physics & Astronomy Cookie Hour


The USC Physics and Astronomy Cookie Chat is a great opportunity for undergraduates, faculty members, and staff to get to know each other/learn about opportunities outside of the classroom! Cookies and soda/water will be provided.

Physics Study Sessions


SPS hopes to support students and foster a collaborative learning environment by hosting weekly study sessions where physics students can work on any physics problems together!

Journal Clubs

The SPS Journal Clubs aim to provide students with access to in-depth information about Physics/Astronomy research labs and topics through presentations given by USC professors and graduate students.